#Ryotei Kinoene in #Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
Sample Dedication Speech
Although the dedication speech is short, lasting only a minute or two, it is best not to prepare it on the day of the ceremony without having a draft in mind. There are many rules of etiquette and words that should be included in the dedication speech, and it is difficult to think of them on the spot. Here are some examples of dedication speeches, so if you are unsure of what to say, please refer to them.
Offering a toast at the seishin-drop after the funeral service
The offering of the toast at the seishin-dori after the funeral may be given by the mourners or the bereaved family, or it may be given by a friend. Since the wording differs depending on the position of each person giving the greeting, it is important to confirm the wording in advance.
When a mourner or a relative of the deceased gives the greeting
When the mourners or relatives of the deceased give the dedication address, they should express their gratitude to those who attended the funeral. The greeting may include statements such as, "From now on, the remaining family members will work together," or "We would be grateful for your cooperation.
When a mourner or family member gives the dedicatory address
My name is 00, wife of 00 (name of the deceased). Thanks to all of you, we were able to complete the wake yesterday and the funeral service today. I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend. I am still not quite sure how I feel about her sudden passing, but I am determined to live my life together with my remaining family members. Now, I would like to ask everyone to join me in offering a toast. The toast is offered. Thank you very much.
When a Friend Delivers the Commemorative Toast
When a friend gives the toast offering, he or she should begin by describing his or her relationship to the deceased. It is a good idea to include words of remembrance for the deceased and concern for the bereaved family.
When a friend gives the toast
My name is 00, and I have just been introduced to you. I have known Mr. 00 (the deceased's name) since high school, but I never expected to say goodbye in this way, and even now I cannot believe it. I have no words to express my deepest sympathy for the bereaved family, but I would like to offer a toast in prayer for the repose of the deceased's soul.
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